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Ms. Popularity
LeeAnne Savage

Calling herself “Southern Arizona's Sassiest Songstress” LeeAnne Savage is the rocked out musical medley of rock, country and pop. LeeAnne's rockin' country pop vocal styling, strong storytelling, unique melodies and energetic stage presence has helped her develop a huge underground and dedicated fan following. www.leeannesavage.blogspot.com.


 Top Twitterer

With more than 40,000 Twitter followers on his account and a little more than 4,000 personal Tweets (for now), @paulypeligroso is Tucson’s top Twitter bird. Pauly is also a contributing writer for four different Twitter accounts besides his own (@GaryJBusey, @BestWorstAdvice, @El_Danny_Trejo, @NotJayCutler).